Xtending Health
& Wellbeing


Our Therapists

All our Therapists are Health fund rebate friendly. We are willing and open to discuss treatment options best to suit your needs. Our level of training and professionalism is a credit to us and we would love to share this with you. If we cannot assist you in your journey to better health then we are more than willing to give you other options.

Age is not an excuse for not looking after the body you have. When you walk through the door of Xtending Health and Wellbeing, we help You make the changes in your life so that you can Live Life.



Spend 3 sessions with Alecia and learn how to rebalance your body. Personalised programs are available at a time that best suits you. Please contact Alecia for more information.



At Xtending Health and Wellbeing we believe in sharing our passion of inclusive classes for the Novice, the athlete, and anyone ready to move again.

Our highly qualified instructors will guide you in your journey to become inspired, evolve and challenge yourself to be the healthiest and happiest version of you.


Our Story

Our location here at Xtending Health and Wellbeing is quiet, private with large open spaces and treatment rooms. Our centre offers a combination of Yin and Yang. We are a community and family focused business empowering clients to take responsibility for their own health.

At Xtending Health and Wellbeing, we are about creating a dynamic healing space where our clients can Rebalance, Restore and Rejuvenate. The importance of these 3 R’s in your wellbeing is unexplainable.


Stillness Room

The Chi Machine with Inrared Dome expands capillaries, stimulates the blood circulation & increases the metabolic exchange between blood & tissue, which in turn brings the immune system into balance.

The Wellness Cocoon Pro combines dry heat and infrared heat with vibratory massage, aromathrapy and salt air. The Tourmaline, Jade and Germanium stones line the inner wall of the pod, these generate negative ions that facilitate the flows of the body’s bio-energy. It is a revitalising, rejuvenating and relaxing experience for the mind body and spirit.

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